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How to use 'for' as a conjunction

Students need to know how to use coordinating conjunctions in their sentences. What is a coordinating conjunction?

Source: Twinkl

A coordinating conjunction joins two main clauses together. This is called a compound sentence. 'And' and 'but' are the easiest conjunctions to know how to use. How do we use 'for' as a conjunction?

Let's take a look at the following examples:

  1. I like to cycle everyday, for it keeps me fit and healthy.

  2. Sandra did not enjoy the party, for it was too loud and messy.

  3. Priya enjoys cooking nutritious meals, for she wants to stay healthy.

'For' explains a reason or purpose. You can use it like 'because'. If you remove 'for' and replace it with 'because', the sentence should make sense.

E.g. I like to cycle everyday because it keeps me fit and healthy.

Remember, because is a subordinating conjunction which makes the above sentence a complex sentence.

Can you come up with your own compound sentences using 'for'?

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