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Past Papers for the 11+

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,

It's now June and we only have a few months left until the 11+ exams in September 2022. You may be wondering where you can find some extra resources to print out. Remember to do these in strict timed conditions.

Top tips for students:

  1. If the paper is 50 minutes, only spend 48 minutes doing it to practise working faster

  2. Mark the paper immediately after you've completed it. This is so that the questions are fresh in your mind and you can make any corrections easier.

  3. Make sure you've gone to the loo before an exam

  4. Ensure you have a water bottle next to you and avoid any distractions

  5. Get a clear pencil case


The maths and SPAG papers here are very useful indeed. The comprehensions are useful but the 11+ in Sutton does not require written comprehension, so perhaps you can avoid them if you want.


The standard of these papers are tough but very useful practice for the 11+ exams, especially as they are multiple choice.

CGP Free Papers

Amazon - 11+ Papers

There are plenty of resources on Amazon, such as this one:

Various Grammar Schools

Here is a list of grammar schools with past papers on their website.

Good luck with your preparations!

- Anpu

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